Seen this tag floating around, so thought I would do it myself:
1) I am super scared of spiders and have a fear of being sick
2) I love the colour light pink
3) I am secretly a directioner
4) I am a fusy eater
5) I am very close to my sister and mum
6) I hate cheese
7) My friends are incredibly important to me
8) My first ever concert was Kelly Clarkson
9) I have moved house eight times
10) When I was little I said I wanted to be a flower when I grew up
11) I want to travel
12) One Christmas my present was to swim with dolphins in America, it was incredible
13) I have been abroad five times
14) I love it when guys smell nice
15) I want to start to think more positively
16) My favourite ice cream is phish food by ben and jerrys
17) I play guitar and keyboard
18) Roller coasters make me terrified, but once I have done it I feel amazing
20) I want a tattoo of a daisy chain around my ankle
great! your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!