Surviving teenage life
Anxiety. A simple
word, yet it has so much meaning. I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety
disorder which I have had for a long time now and I would let it hold me back
from everything. I even had to stop going to school for two months, which was
not the best especially because I am in the middle of GCSEs. I will admit I do
still keep letting my anxiety hold me back, but I know I shouldn't that is
why I try to push myself.
But you don't have
to have panic attacks to prove that you get anxious. Being a teen is enough.
Getting paranoid about if people like you, feeling insecure, fighting with
family and friends. You must remember that it is okay not to be okay and if you
do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend it does not mean you will be forever alone
because you won't! You do not need a relationship to be happy, you
just need people who love and care for you. Sometimes it may feel like you have
no one, but I can promise there is at least one person who cares about you.
Stop doing things to
impress others, do things that make you feel good! Wear the clothes you want,
do the things that you enjoy and try to have fun! Most people are not happy all
of the time, so when you are sad try to feel your emotions and tell people how
you feel and CRY. It is okay to cry, if you don't let your feelings out in some
way then they will all build up and you will feel even worse.
Everyone is
beautiful in their own way and not everyone will pick up on your beauty, but
others will and those people will be the ones worth sharing memories and love
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